SabeeApp Blog

Coronavirus  - How does it affect SabeeApp?

Written by Virág Dajka | Mar 16, 2020 2:45:54 PM
  • What can we do to protect ourselves and our customers?
  • How can we ensure that we can continue providing the same quality customer service and product to our users?
  • How can we remain productive in the current situation and use this time to learn and improve?

    Read on to find out how we tackle the challenges the coronavirus has brought about, and what content and upcoming developments you can expect to see from us in the near future.

    With the current coronavirus pandemic rapidly escalating, we have also decided to take action, and introduce some new rules at SabeeApp. In order to protect our colleagues' and customers' health, and to minimize the risk of any of us getting infected with the virus, we have established the following guidelines:

    - Our team members will work from home until further notice, taking care of all their tasks and responsibilities within the usual working hours.
    - We canceled all personal meetings and trainings with our partners and potential customers, but will continue to assist them online.
    - We avoid mass events, and any location or situation that might pose a risk based on our personal judgement.

    All in all, we take care of ourselves and each other, keep calm, and take all the necessary precautions.  

    Will there be any changes in our operations, in terms of customer service and product developments? The short answer is; fortunately no. As our product is a cloud-based software, and the majority of our work processes are carried out online, we expect no interruptions in our services. We can safely say that the continued security of the software is guaranteed, as well as all the planned developments (such as intelligent pricing), and our reliable, responsive customer service.

    Even though the effects of the coronavirus will impact our industry as well, we are continuously working on responses that can mitigate the impact both on our end, and on our customers' side.

    How can we continue to develop and improve our services during this time? Now that we are working remotely, we are using the time to master efficient online collaboration within the team, which is a great learning experience for us and will be useful for our globally expanding company in the long run.

    Similarly, we would like to provide our partners with valuable content and learning materials which they can use to gain practical knowledge until the turbulence caused by the coronavirus begins to subside. Since our intelligent pricing module will debut soon, we are preparing useful articles on revenue management. Additionally, our agenda includes some tips for hotel owners, which will help them navigate their hospitality business throughout the crisis. Stay tuned!