Google Hotel Ads

After connection with Google Hotel Ads

After the connection is successful with Google Hotel Ads then you should know the following information about the synchronisation between SabeeApp and the channel.

If you connection has been activated, the connection table will list all the active room types and rate plans under the Settings / Marketplace menu.

Synchronised information

This is the information SabeeApp will send to Google Hotel Ads:

  • Rate plan prices available on the IBE
  • Availability
  • Restrictions (Open/Close rate plan, CTA/CTA, Min night stay)
  • In case the rate plan has Flexible / Nonrefundable policy, we will send this info as well. (Custom policy is not sent)
  • Room type name
  • Address
  • Pictures

Active room types and rate plans

The above mentioned information is synched only for room types which you have published to your Internet Booking Engine. If the Not display on booking engine toggle is activated for a room type then the information will not be forwarded to Google Hotel Ads. You can control the available room types by clicking on the room type's profile at the Settings / Room types menu.

After you make any modifications to this slider the selected room type will be added (if you inactivate the slider) or removed (if you activate the slider) from the connected room types.

Same applies for rate information. If a rate plan is published to the Internet Booking Engine then it will be automatically synched to Google Hotel Ads as well. Only exception is a corporate type rate plan. This is to ensure that your prices are matching the ones available on Google Hotel Ads. About controlling available rate plans on the IBE, please find more information here.

If everything is done correctly, Google will start to show your Official site as available option for booking. It will look like this: