SabeeApp is offering integration with Assa Abloy Global Solutions VingCard systems. In order you could establish the connection with your Assa Abloy system and your SabeeApp account, please follow the steps listed below.
Prerequisites before connection
There are some requirements before you could start setting up the connection. These require advanced understanding of IT so we do not recommend you to do it on your own. You will need an IT technician or Assa Abloy certified team to set this up for your property.
Required technical background:
- You have your Assa Abloy electronic locks installed in your property. The list of supported locks is available here.
- You have your Assa Abloy locks and key card readers registered in Visionline system with the help of the Lock service software
- You have to open up your local server and/or router for remote access. If you prefer to have more security, we can email you the IP addresses we use to submit request to the server so it will be only accessible for SabeeApp. Please contact us for further details.
- We have 2 developments regarding Assa Abloy:
- The 1st one helps you to program the keycards directly from SabeeApp.
- The 2nd one provides the option to open/ close the door with the use of Guest Advisor Tools. For this, you will have to request the Mobile Access activation from the Assa Abloy team. They will help you with the configuration
Connections steps
To set up the connection between the systems please do the following steps:
Please open your SabeeApp account and navigate to the Settings/ Marketplace menu. Make sure to click on the Inititate connection button under the Assa Abloy marketplace item.
Then a configuration page will open up, where you will have to provide some details for the successful connection.
1. Please provide your Visionline username and password to the relevant fields.
2. In the URL field you will have to insert your server's public IP address + the port number separated by a : character which can be used for remote access. Please DO NOT add here your computer's IP address or the server's local IP address!
3. Select your lock types. This can be either Online or Offline. The combination of the two is not possible.
Online locks are constantly connected to the local server, therefore they are able to detect if some of the key cards were blocked by your staff.In case of Offline locks, the lock stores only their name (room number) and the exact time. So the locks will check based on this information if the written cards can be used to open the doors but cannot detect if the card was blocked remotely.
4. System ID - This is an ID provided by Assa Abloy to your hotel. Find it in Visionline under the following menu: Lists ➝ MobileAccess acounts ➝ Properties ➝ System ID
5. First click on the Test connection button! We will check if we can access your local server. If the connection is successful then please make sure to click Save and continue with the Key card programmer and lock connection steps.
If the connection is not successful, please make sure to check your settings in Visionline and in your local server and double check if the provided login credentials and IP address is correct.
Connect Key card programmers
In the next session please make sure to register all your RFID encoders which are already added to Visionline with the Add new RFID encoder button. After you added an encoder please select from the list of available encoders.
You will have to register at least 1 encoder and you can add up to 5 encoders.
If you are ready with this process, please make sure to save your changes by clicking on the Save encoders button.
Connect your locks to the SabeeApp rooms
After this step the already registered locks in Visionline have to be registered in SabeeApp. You have to connect your SabeeApp rooms with the relevant lock equipped in the door of the room.
To connect a new lock to a room, please make sure to click on the + icon.
We will list the available lock which have not been connected to any SabeeApp room yet. Please click on the + sign in the relevant lock's line (1) and then click Save (2).
Here in our example you will see how it will look like when you already have some locks registered. We mapped our rooms and 1-1 test lock under the Two - Bedroom Apartment and the Double room room types:
If you have mistakenly connected a lock to a room or have to make changes, please make sure to click on the - sign to disconnect them.
In case you have recently added some new Assa Abloy locks to your Visionline account, then you will need to refresh the list of available rooms. Click Refresh available locks list for this action.
After you have completed the above mentioned steps, you can start using our card programmer integration. Learn more about this by clicking on this link.
Common locks
In this section we are showing all the locks which are programmed as Guest Entrances in your Visionline system. These doors can be automatically opened with cards and mobile keys as they are automatically assigned to these by Visionline in the background. No further operation is needed by you or your staff.
Mobile access
If you would like to use the GuestAdvisor Mobile Access, please make sure to proceed with the activation of Smart Solution module first and the configuration for the GuestAdvisor application.
To activate the mobile access plase make sure to have your mobile access licenece configured in your Visionline system. If this is ready, just tick the box for confirmation (1) and then you can press the button to activate it. (2)
After this your guests will be able to manage the locks on their room with the help of Guest Advisor Mobile application in the rooms where you have a smart lock configured.