
Cancelling Airbnb reservations from SabeeApp

If you would like to cancel a reservation which is coming from Airbnb, from 14.09.2021., SabeeApp will synchronize the cancellation to Airbnb so you do not have to cancel it in the Airbnb extranet as well.

You have two options to set an Airbnb reservation as cancelled:

The first option is to click on the reservation in the PMS / Calendar view and in the reservation's information popup click on the bottom right corner's circled X sign.

Or you can open the detailed page of the reservation and in the Status section click on the pencil icon. There you can select Cancelled option.

After starting the cancellation of the reservation with one of the above mentioned methods, we will show you a popup where you will have to give a reason for the cancellation.

1. Please make sure to select a reason and a subreason (if there is any). You will find the same reasons and subreasons here as in the Airbnb extranet.

2. Please type your message for the guest. This will show up for the guest in the messages section in Airbnb.

3. Please type your message for Airbnb. Please make sure to carefully describe the situation why you have to cancel this reservation.

4. If you are ready with the selection and the messages, please click on the Report button.

After this, SabeeApp will change the reservation status to Cancelled and will cancel the reservation on Airbnb as well. If you check the reservation's change log, we will show you that the reservation was canceled with the cancellation reason and subreason.


1. The selectable cancellation reasons may vary for the different reservations as Airbnb can make changes for these depending various circumstances (like covid'19).

2. Please make sure to carefully select the cancellation reason and give a proper description of it as Airbnb might penalise the cancellation of the reservations.

3. After cancelling an Airbnb reservation and setting its status back to confirmed will not mean that the reservation was reconfirmed on Airbnb as well. If you cancel an Airbnb reservation the guest has to rebook the accommodation if you would like to host them.

4. Please note that the status modification of the Airbnb reservation = setting it to cancelled, can be completed only once. If you have set the Airbnb reservation's status to cancelled, then back to confirm and you would like to set it to cancelled again, you will see a warning message, indicating that this action can not be done.