Google Tag Manager

Cross Domain Tracking with Google Tag Manager

Cross domain tracking is a way of allowing Google Analytics to track a visitor as a continuous session on two or more related sites. For example when tracking and in the same GA Web Property.

Follow these steps in order to set up the cross domain tracking correctly:

1st Step: 

Before getting to Google Tag Manager we need to set up the url in Google Analytics, we would like to measure as a conversion. Log in to your Google Analytics account, and on the lower left corner select "Admin" menu as the screenshot shows.


Google Analytics


Once you are in the admin menu, select Goals and create a new custom goal.

Under the Goal details you can specify the destination URL. Please make sure to select Begins with from the dropdown and the add the URL. To measure the number of reservations created you should add: /confirmation/ and a part of your IBE link.

You can find this part in your SabeeApp account's Distribution / Internet Booking Engine / Link only menu. Please see it on the screenshot below:

Please make sure to copy the part of the IBE link starting from "?p=" and the following 8 characters. 

Great! You are ready with the first step, now you are ready to continue with Google Tag Manager.

2nd Step:

Login to your Google Tag manager account. In the left menu select Tags menu. A list of tags will appear if you already have any tags added. In this menu in upper right corner select New, to add your new tag. From "Tag Configuration" select "Google Analytics - Universal Analytics" tag, and finnish the settings according to the screenshot below.

Once you ar ready with adding the Analytics Tag, you are ready to complete the last step. We need to add one more tag to complete the Cross Domain Tracking setup. 

In the Tags menu select the "New" button in the upper right corner. Now we need to add the so called "Conversion Linker" tag. Find it in the list and complete the settings according to our last screenshot.


Important to mention here is that in the Auto Link Domains you need to add your domain and the domain of the booking engine:

Once you have completed these steps you will be able to track your conversions (reservations made on your booking engine) in your Google Analytics.