Keyfile Management

Key file management

The key file are an essential security measurement in SabeeApp which ensures that only the authorised staff can access the credit card details stored in your SabeeApp account. Each SabeeApp account has its own key file to ensure that credit card information is handled securely.

Where is my key file stored?

Key files have to be generated in your SabeeApp account's Security center. This menu is only available for the user with owner rights. That means operators, housekeepers and visitors are not allowed to see it. The SabeeApp account owner is responsible for the generation and sharing of the key file.

How to generate the key file?

1. As an owner user, please make sure to navigate to the Security center. You will find this menu in the top right corner and from the right side menu select Security center.

2. After the menu opens up, please click on the Manage key file link.

3. A new tab will open up where you will have to click on Generate and download key file button.

We will download your key file to your device. This is a .key format file. You do not have to open that and please do not modify its name and format.

4. To verify that the key file is correctly generated, please make sure to look for it in your device and then upload it. You can drag and drop it to the field or click on the choose file button and look for it in your device.

5. If you have successfully uploaded it, please hit the Check and complete button.

If there was something wrong, please make sure to refresh the page and then click on the Generate key file again. This will create a completely new file for you.

6. After the process is completed, you will be notified in a popup window that the key file is successfully verified.

How to use the key file?

As mentioned earlier, the key file can be used to access credit card details registered for the reservations. If you are a SabeePay user, the key file will be important to charge virtual credit cards as well. To learn more about key file usage, check out our help article by clicking on this link..


Until your key file is not generated, you will not be able to access the following features of your SabeeApp account.

  • You cannot register credit card details for your manual reservations and you won't be able to check any other reservation with credit card details.
  • You cannot access the Payment methods setup of your Internet Booking Engine
  • You cannot establish any channel connections through our Channel Manager

If you have received previously a key file and you complete the generation of a new one, you will be able to use only the new one.