Detailed Reservation Page

New group reservation page

The new group reservation page can be separated into 6 separate sections. Let's check them one by one!


1. Status


We are showing here the status of the group indicating also the number of reservations in that particular status. If there are reservations with different statuses in the group, then these will appear under each other and in the brackets you can see the number of reservations with that specific status. By clicking on the pencil icon, you can bulk edit the statuses of all reservations in the group.

You will find the group name also in the status block with the colour which is selected for the group. To edit the name and colour click on the pencil icon next to the name of the group.

If you click on the group ID, it is going to be copied to your clipboard automatically.

Like in case of the individual reservation page we indroduced the stages of the reservation to be visually more clear-cut. By clicking on the circle and pressing down for 1 second the selected stage will be active and you can bulk check-in, onboard and check-out guests.

Onboarding stage is only available for GuestAdvisor users. A group can only be marked as Onboard if it is today's arrival.

If you activate the status by accident, you can reset by simply clicking on the undo arrow next to the dots

If a group is partially checked-in, onboarded or checked-out then this will be indicated for you with unfilled dots like this:

To check-in, onboard or check-out the remaining group members, click on the dots again for one second. In case of check-in and check-out you will be informed about the reservations which can be placed to the next arrival status.

You can also delete the reservation from this Status section if you have the permission and there is no invoice issued yet for this group or member reservations.

2. Group details


In this section, you can bulk edit specific attributes of the group: partner, channelID, arrival and departure dates and time. Simply just click on the Edit button. Don't forget to press Save once you are done.

3. Reservations in the group


In this section you can keep track of the reservations which can be found in the group.

In the Bulk update part you can edit Rate plans, Coupons, Country and the Group accomodation fee for the whole group.

In case a group is booked with multiple rates or coupons then these will show up under each other. In the brackets you will see how many member reservations are registered with those rates / coupons applied.

If you click on one of the reservations in the table, its individual reservation page will be opened in a new tab.

You can set up an ascending or descending order by clicking one the arrows next to the column names to better organize your reservations.

In the action column by clicking on the --- icon you can edit the price for that particular reservation in a popup window.

4. Group tools


We collected every supportive info and actions into the group tools section. 

  • The first is the Printing Center from where you can print the Group details and the Check-in cards of the group.
  • The second one is the Notes, where you can add or edit group comments, related to this reservation. If there is a note, then a small red dot will indicate this info on this icon.

5. Services


The Services section is working exactly the same way as it worked before, just received a visual update.

You can add services by clciking on the green Add services button. In this case services will be added for each and every member reservation. 

If you want to edit a service, just click on it and you can make modifications to it. If it was a service which was added to the group, SabeeApp will ask if you would like to edit the service for the whole group or just the member reservation. In case the service was added for only one reservation this step will be skipped.

To delete services please mark them on the select column and then click on the red delete services.

It is possible to bulk select every service by moving the cursor on the Select sign and this will transform into a checkbox. Ticking this box you can select all the services.

6. Folio items


In this section, we made some design upgrade but the functionality is the same. You can issue invoices by clicking on the Create Invoice button.

If you would like to mark the group as VAT free use the Togle VAT free button.

After this the button will turn red, showing that the VAT free status is active.

Your Invoices and payments will be organised under this section in two separate tables.