Reservations & Revenue

Performance Reports

General information about the Performance Reports

The aim of the reports is to serve as a helping tool in making financial decisions based on the property’s most important performance indicators.

The data in the reports is based on Folio items, without taking into account the payments or invoices registered for certain reservations.

Room type statuses taken into consideration in the report include: Room, Conference room, Garage, Technical


Daily Performance Report


Additional filtering options:

- Datepicker: you can choose from the predefined options or pick a custom date range (which can be a past or future date as well).

Please note that the longest selectable interval is always 32 days! 


- ADR Settings: filter with 2 options

  • Accommodation revenue only
  • Service revenue included.


The 'Service revenue included' option includes derived and not included service revenues in the ADR calculation besides room revenue, without differentiating between the service types (meals, extra tickets, minibar, etc.)

Only one option can be chosen at a time, with 'Accommodation revenue only' set as the default. 


- Reservation status: filter with 4 options

  • Confirmed
  • Option
  • Cancelled
  • No-Show.


All options are selected by default. Please note that even though all the options are selected, not all metrics calculate Cancelled and No-show reservations! Please check the specific metric section for more information! 


- Exclude blocked dates (only occupancy): blocked dates are always displayed in the reports (Table / Total room nights / Blocked room nights row) regardless of whether the relevant checkbox is ticked or not.

What happens when the checkbox is not ticked is that the occupancy metric calculates with the blocked room nights as well.

For example:

The property has 10 rooms. However, due to some refurbishment work 1 of the rooms was not bookable on 30th March 2024. 5 rooms were booked for that night.

1. Occupancy calculation for 30th March 2024 when the 'Exclude blocked dates (only occupancy)' checkbox is ticked - default setting:

5 / 10 X 100 = 50%

2. Occupancy calculation or 30th March 2024 when the 'Exclude blocked dates (only occupancy)' checkbox is NOT ticked:

5 / 9 X 100 = 55,56%


- Room filter: possibility to have an overall view for the whole property and the room types separately as well.


You will find 4 widgets in the report that give you a quick overview about the most crucial performance indicators:


- Total Revenue: It takes into account your room revenue, but it also includes the revenue you generate from your ancillary services in the period being measured.

- Occupancy %: The sum of the daily occupancy data divided by the number of days in the period being measured.


  • Accommodation Revenue Only: Accommodation revenue divided by the number of Confirmed and Option room nights (when both reservation statuses are selected in the filter) for the period being measured.



Period being measured: 1st March 2024 - 8th March 2024

Accommodation revenue: 2874 EUR

Confirmed & Option room nights: 54

ADR: 2874 / 54 = 53.22 EUR


  • Service revenue included: Total revenue divided by the number of Confirmed and Option room nights (when both reservation statuses are selected in the filter) for the period being measured.



Period being measured: 1st March 2024 - 8th March 2024

Total revenue: 5718 EUR

Confirmed & Option room nights: 54

ADR: 5718 / 54 = 105.89 EUR

- RevPar: Accommodation revenue divided by the number of Total room nights for the period being measured.


Period being measure: 1st March 2024 - 8th March 2024

Accommodation revenue: 2874 EUR

Total room nights: 128

RevPar: 2874 / 128 = 22.45 EUR


Content of the table:

- Number of guest nights: Confirmed and Option guest nights (adults, children and infants) are displayed here depending on the status filter settings. Cancelled and no-show guest nights are never represented in this row.

- Occupancy (%): Confirmed and Option room nights are displayed here depending on the status filter settings. Cancelled and no-show room nights are never represented in this row.

Please refer to the 'Exclude blocked dates (only occupancy)' section of this Help Article for further information on calculating this metric.

- Average Daily Rate (ADR):

  • Accommodation Revenue Only: Accommodation revenue divided by the number of Confirmed and Option room nights (when both reservation statuses are selected in the filter) for the period being measured.
  • Service revenue included: Total revenue divided by the number of Confirmed and Option room nights (when both reservation statuses are selected in the filter) for the period being measured.

Under the Accommodation type of revenue, the Cancelled and No-show lines are based on the cancellation fee and no-show fee Folio items. If you have enabled the automatic application of cancellation fee and no-show fee items in the Settings / Property Policies / Cancellation and payment policies menu, the system will automatically apply these fees based on the policy. Howevere, if automation is not enabled and you set the reservation status to no-show, for example, and apply a no-show fee by adding it as a service, it will be taken into account as service revenue in this summary.

- RevPar: Accommodation revenue divided by the number of Total room nights for the period being measured.

- TRevPar: Service revenue divided by the number of Total room nights.


1st March 2024

Service revenue: 217 EUR

Total room nights: 16

TRevPar: 217 / 16 = 13.56 EUR

- Total room nights: with 6 subcategories

  • Confirmed nights
  • Option room nights
  • Available room nights
  • Blocked room nights
  • Cancelled room nights
  • No-show room nights.

It is important to note, that the creation date of the rooms is taken into consideration in the report.


The property has 7 rooms.

Rooms were created 10th August.

The total number of rooms available in August is 22 X 7 = 154, as for the first 9 days of the month, no rooms were available. 

- Revenue: with 2 main categories and their subcategories

  • Accommodation (Confirmed room price, Cancelled room price, No-show room price, Option room price)
  • All services (Custom, Breakfast, Minibar, etc.).

- Discount:

This always sums up the negatively signed Services in the Folio table. The status filter affects this, meaning if we remove, for example, the option status there, and there's a option booking with a negative-value service, we won't include it in this summary row.

- Coupon:

This always sums up the negatively signed Coupon items in the Folio table. The status filter affects it, just like in the case of Discounts.

- Commission:

Commission amounts related to bookings. Positively signed. The status filter affects it, just like in the case of Discounts.

- Summary:

Summary = Total revenue - (- Discount) - (- Coupon) - Commission (in the discount and coupon rows, we represent amounts with a negative sign everywhere, but this shouldn't affect the formula, so it shouldn't be added to it)


Important information about the table in the report:

All the numbers displayed in the reports are GROSS or NET amounts based on your settings:

Settings / General Settings / Other Settings - Amounts displayed in the Reports*

  • Gross (tax included)
  • Net (tax excluded)


The report can be printed and exported to an Excel file. 


Yearly Performance Report

There are a couple of specifications of this report worth mentioning compared to the Daily Performance Report discussed above.

- Datepicker: when the preferred year is selected, there is one more extra filter to set regarding which reservations should be considered in the report. Three options are offered:

  • Nightly: report will consider all nights that are booked for the given month.


Check-in date: 31st March

Check-out date: 3rd April

The first night of the reservation (all its data) will be taken into consideration in March, the second and third night of the reservation (all its date) will be taken into consideration in April when the Nightly option is selected.


  • Check-in: report will consider only those reservations which have an arrival date in the given month.


Check-in date: 31st March

Check-out date: 3rd April

The whole length of the reservation (all its data) will be taken into consideration in March.


  • Check-out: report will consider only those reservations which have a departure date in the given month.


Check-in date: 31st March

Check-out date: 3rd April

The whole length of the reservation (all its data) will be taken into consideration in April. 


- Revenue graph:

Revenue data is displayed for the selected year in monthly breakdown.

  • Accommodation revenue
  • Services revenue


Relevant filters are taken into consideration here as well.

The applied coupons can be displayed by clicking on the coupon label on the top right corner of the chart.

- Table: The table’s columns represent the months of the selected year, with the last two columns being:

  • Total this year - summary of each metric for the selected year based on the current data
  • YTD - you can track the current progress of the property.


There is only one difference between the metrics of the Daily and the Yearly Performance report:

Average Length of Stay (ALOS): It is calculated by dividing the Confirmed and Option room nights by the Confirmed and Option reservations of the period being measured.


Period being measured: 1st June 2024 - 30th June 2024

Confirmed & Option room nights: 9

Confirmed & Option reservations: 5

ALOS: 9 / 5 = 1.8


Performance Comparison Report

There are a couple of specifications of this report as well worth mentioning compared to the Daily Performance Report discussed above.

- Year picker: you can choose from the predefined options. Two year's data can be compared here.

- There are five widgets in the report to give you a quick overview of the most crucial performance indicators: Occupancy %, Room nights, Average Daily Rate, Revenue and RevPar. The widgets represent data of the selected years.

- An occupancy rate graph is also available.

The selected years's occupancy data is compared. Relevant filters are taken into consideration here as well.

- The table’s columns represent data of the months of the selected years.

- In the table, the top row contains data from the year selected with the first year picker, while the bottom row contains data from the year selected with the second year picker. Between the two rows, you can see how first year’s data compares to second year’s data.