When scrolling down on the reservation page, the Invoices table's " Create new prepayment " button was changed to a dropdown type of button, where the following 2 options can be selected:
The itemized prepayment differs from the simple prepayment in terms of the items appearing on the prepayment invoice.
Simple prepayment:
The simple prepayment will always display only one item that can be any of the following: Accommodation prepayment, Accommodation package prepayment or Prepayment. Regardless of which one is selected, the Amount will always display the actual due in the Folio.
( Quantity is always 1, unit price is Amount / VAT % , VAT % is the default VAT % set in the Settings / Tax setting menu )
The Amount cell is editable, depending on what is the prepaid amount by the guest.
Please note that in this case, there is no differentiation in terms of VAT % , meaning that the displayed prepayment amount will have only the default VAT % assigned to it.
The prepayment amount can also be defined with the help of the % slider. The slider will always calculate from the original amount due.
As an example: in case the total amount due in the Folio was 400 EUR, but the slider is set to 50 %, the amount in the cell changes to 200 EUR:
The process works the same way the other way around as well, meaning if the Amount is edited manually from 400 EUR to 200 EUR, the slider automatically is placed to 50 %.
Also important to know if the value in the Amount cell is rewritten to a higher amount than the orginal value, the slider will be set automatically to 100 %, but when moving it on the scale, it will calculate with the original amount.
Please note that this slider is available always only in case the firstly issued prepayment invoice both in individual and group case.
Itemized prepayment:
The itemized prepayment will always display as many lines / items as many Folio item categories are available in the Folio table.
The Folio table consist of the following items: ( only one day displayed here )
Altogether, 5 categories are present, so when creating the itemized prepayment invoice, these 5 categories will be displayed there too. Additionally, since the reservation stands for more nights and there are items which are scheduled for each day, the system automatically applies the grouping of the Folio items ( grouping is based on the same unit price, VAT % and category ).
( Quantity always indicates how many Folio items were grouped together, Unit price is calculated by dividing the amount with the quantity , VAT % is the corresponding % set beforehand for each item. )
You can generate itemized prepayment invoices for partial amounts. While the Quantity and the Amount of the items are not editable, users have the option to delete item groups using the 'Trash' icon in the Action column.
When an item group is deleted, the total of the advance invoice decreases by the corresponding amount of the deleted item group. Multiple item groups can be deleted. However, if attempting to delete the last remaining item group, a popup will appear to prevent deletion and ensure the invoice is not left empty.
It's important to note that the functionality remains unchanged, meaning that the prepayment invoice and its item groups do not affect the Folio. However, this does impact the utilization of the prepayment invoice on a regular invoice. Any item groups that remain on the advance invoice will be included on the final invoice. We list all the prepayment invoice items with negative amounts on the final invoice: