Rate Plan Settings

Price copy feature

If you have set prices for one calendar year (1st of January - 31st of December), you can copy them to the next year. It saves you time and you don't need to enter these price again with Price wizard.

Select Price copy button and simply pick which year prices you want to copy to the following calendar year. Don't forget to select the prices of each room type that you would like to copy. If you want to copy all room types then click the "Select all" button on top of the "Select Room" section.
You can copy the minimum night restrictions as well. If you would like to copy minimum night restrictions, slide the button to green position.

Of course after prices are copied, you might need to adjust them based on events happening next year, but all smaller adjustments can be made either manually or using Bulk price update feature.

Pleas note that the Price copy function follows the dates in a calendar year. It means that if the 18-19th of November in 2017 was a weekend it might not be so in 2018. The system, however, cannot recognise that, therefore if you had special weekend prices set for 2017, it is better to double-check your calendar for the next year and adjust the weekend prices manually.