Shared Inventory

Recognising Shared Inventory when Pricing and During Channel Connections

Shared Inventory in the Calendar View:

In the Calendar view, virtual room types and virtual rooms are always displayed. An icon next to their names indicates they are part of a connecting unit:

  • Hover over the icon to see details:

    • For a virtual room type: The names of its connected virtual rooms appear in a tooltip.
    • For a virtual room: The names of its attached physical rooms appear in the tooltip.

    Virtual room type:


    Virtual room:


Enhancing Visibility of Shared Inventory for Easier Pricing

To make it easier to identify virtual room types (rooms sharing inventory with physical rooms) and simplify pricing, we have introduced the same ikon markings in the pricing menu.

Where to Find These Markings:

Pricing Menu:

  • When opening the Masterpieces section
  • When using the Price Wizard
  • When bulk updating prices
  • In dynamic pricing
  • When setting restrictions
  • When opening/closing rate plans

Look for this ikon on all the above mentioned places:

Additionally on: Connection:

You can identify virtual room types (rooms sharing inventory with physical rooms) in:

  1. The room type mapping process
  2. The synchronization table

Airbnb Connection Table: