Virtual Credit Card Charging
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  3. Virtual Credit Card Charging

SabeePay - reservations with Virtual Credit Cards (VCC)

When a Reservation Includes a Virtual Credit Card (VCC)
If you receive a Virtual Credit Card (VCC) for a reservation that was previously created through an OTA (Online Travel Agency), the payment process will differ.

This is because the guest has already completed the payment directly through the OTA. As a result, no additional communication or extra payment is required from the guest.

Stages of the Payment Process

When a reservation is created and received in SabeeApp, the system automatically checks if a Virtual Credit Card (VCC) is assigned to the reservation. If a VCC is detected, the following stages will appear under the Payment Schedule section of the Detailed Reservation page:

1. Reservation Created on the OTA

  • This stage is indicated by a green status bubble.
  • The name of the OTA (Online Travel Agency) where the guest made the booking will also be displayed.

2. Virtual Credit Card Received

  • This stage is marked with a green status bubble, confirming that the VCC has been received.
  • The current balance and currency of the VCC will be displayed below this stage.

3. Payment Status

  • OTAs determine when the amount on the VCC can be charged.
  • Until the amount is available for charging, the system will display a message indicating that the balance is not yet available, along with the date of availability.
  • Once the amount becomes available, you can proceed by clicking the Charge Now button.

Processing the Charge

  1. When the amount becomes available, you can proceed with the charge by clicking on the Charge now button.
  2. Select the Key File option and upload your key file.
    • You can drag and drop the file into the field or use the Choose File option to locate it on your computer.
  3. Click OK to complete the transaction.


After a Successful Charge

  • The Payment Status stage will show a green status bubble, along with the transaction amount and time.
  • A SabeePay payment entry will be automatically created under the Folios section, indicating that the payment process is complete and no further action is needed from the guest.

Refunding a VCC payment:

Please refer to this guide: Handling refunds with SabeePay

If you have already completed a refund transaction for a VCC, then you cannot charge it again from SabeeApp.

Virtual Credit Card (VCC) Bulk Charge

Instead of charging virtual credit cards (VCCs) individually through the detailed reservation pages, you can save time by charging them all at once using the bulk charge feature. Here's how to do it:

1. Navigate to the VCC Charges Menu

Go to PMS > VCC Charges. Here, you’ll see a list of all VCCs currently available for charging.

2. Select the Cards to Charge

  • Mark the cards you want to charge by selecting them one by one, or use the Select All option to choose all cards at once.

3. Start the Bulk Charge Process

  • After selecting the cards, click on the Bulk Charge button.
  • A popup window will appear, prompting you to upload your key file.

4. Upload Your Key File

  • In the popup, select the Key File option.
  • Upload your key file by dragging and dropping it into the field or using the Choose File button to locate it on your computer.
  • Click OK to start the charging process.

5. Review the Charging Results

  • SabeePay will begin processing the VCC charges and display the results in the popup.
  • If there are errors, they will be listed in red text.
  • After the successful charges are completed, click OK again. The charged cards will be removed from the list, and the amounts will be reflected in your connected payment provider (e.g., Stripe).

Important Notes

  1. Currency Mismatch:
    • If a VCC's currency does not match your SabeeApp account’s default currency, the card cannot be charged. These cards will be marked with a red exclamation icon (!).

    • In such cases, contact the OTA (Online Travel Agency) that issued the card to request a currency change.

This streamlined process helps you manage multiple VCC charges efficiently while keeping track of any issues that may arise.