
Setting up services

Service Categories

First of all, you need to make sure that service, which you would like to add, has a category where it should belong. By having your services categorised, you help yourself to find them fast when you need them.
Go to the menu Settings / Services / Service Categories. You will notice that there are already some categories created. However, if you think that you need another category, simply click the button "Add new"

Creating a Service

You can create a new service or product in menu Settings / Services / Service list / Add new.

  1. Service Name: Simply name the service. Service name will be visible for your guests in the booking engine and on the invoices. You see the option to enter service name in multiple languages. So if you ware using booking engine or invoices in several languages - make sure to fill in the name accordingly.
  2. Service Name Tags: If you would like to add this service to the reservation which arrives from particular OTA, you should add a tag of this service name, how it is being named in the channel. E.g. you call the service Bicycle rent, but in it is called "bicycle", so that should be the service tag. In this way, system will know that this is the same service what you have in OTA, and will add the service to the detailed page of reservation.
  3. External ID: In case you use DIM SQL invoicing, the services can be separated into different account assignment numbers that can be a huge help when you export the invoices.
  4. Category: Select to what category falls this particular service.
  5. Inclusion type: You can choose from three inclusion types: Not Included, Included, and Derived. Not Included means the price is added separately on top of the room rates. Included means the cost is already part of the room rate and will not appear as a separate item on the folio, so it cannot be invoiced individually. Derived also includes the cost in the room rate but lists it as a separate item on the folio, allowing it to be invoiced.
  6. Price Type: You can choose if price for the service is Fixed amount or percentage based.
    If you chose the Percentage option, service price will be calculated from the total reservation price.
  7. Price applicable: this option will be visible only, if you choose price to be fixed. You can choose from several options:
    - Per Person is a typical option for breakfast or dinner.
    - Per Room is a typical option for cleaning fee.
    - Exact Quantity: In this case, the client can decide the number of services or products they wish to have. For example, 3 bottles of wine.
  8. Unit: will be visible only in case when price is applicable for the exact quantity. Unit can be portion, bottle, ride, lesson, or any other service measurement unit.  
  9. Price: the price of the service.
  10. VAT (%): VAT that applies for this particular service.

11. Description: If you want, you can enter the description of the service. It will be visible on the booking engine so guests can read the description. You can enter the description in multiple languages.

12. Compulsory: Whenever this option is marked, the created service will be added automatically to all the reservations. If you want this service to be added as a compulsory just to some rate plans, then select rate plans accordingly at the step 14.

13. Apply City Tax: If you would like to add a city tax on the service, just click on this button.

14. Available rate plans: In this section, you can decide for which rate plan this service will be available. If you create a service Breakfast and you want your guests to be able to book this service with Master prices only, then mark only Master rate plan. This means, that if you will have guests booking on your booking engine, they will be able to choose breakfast. No other rate plans will have such option.

15. Change the image of the service: You can upload the picture of the service. It will be visible only in your booking engine.


Example of Setting up a Cleaning fee as Derived Service:

  1. Scenario: A derived service is applied: Per Room/Once cleaning fee of 10€ to a reservation.

  2. Reservation Details:

    • Stay duration: 2 nights.
    • Total cost without the cleaning fee: 100€ (50€ per night).
  3. Impact of Cleaning Fee:

    • Nightly rates adjust to 45€ each to account for the cleaning fee (100€ - 10€ = 90€, split equally across 2 nights).
    • The 10€ cleaning fee is listed in the Services section and added to the Folio under the first night, making it visible and billable to the guest.
  4. Comparison with an Included Service:

    • If the cleaning fee were treated as an included service, it would not be deducted from the nightly rate or listed separately on the bill.
    • In this case, the guest would only see the original 50€ per night rate, with no mention of the cleaning fee.