
Subscribing to SabeeApp services

When your trial period is over and you are ready to subscribe to SabeeApp services, click on Settings / Subscription menu. 

Four tabs will be waiting for you.

Subscription details - will summarise the services and prices you subscribe for
History - where you can download our invoices issued for your payments
Terms and Conditions - where you will find the agreement and terms of use of SabeeApp

To subscribe to SabeeApp services, check whether the prices under the Subscription details tab are correct, and click on Subscribe now button.

A popup window will appear. Feel free to modify any details here. Please note that anything you modify here won't affect the billing details. If you would like to modify the billing details do it in Billing Details tab.

On the summary popup window click on Pay Now button. Now you are redirected to our payment gateway provider OTP Simple or Stripe. Enter your card details, issue the payment and you will be redirected to the software.

To achieve a successful subscription, please make sure that there is enough funds in your bank account.

After a successful payment we will automatically issue the invoice for you that you can download from History tab.

You have to subscribe once and then we will charge your credit card every month on the same day you subscribed. We call this method a recurring payment.

If your credit card expired or you would like to change the card used for the payment, simply click on Update Credit card button, and make a new payment as described above.

Cases when transaction is not successful

The most common problems are the followings:

  • international payments are not enabled on your card
  • web payments are enabled on your card
  • web payments' limit is higher than your subscription fee
  • 3D secure payment is required

If your payment is unsuccessful, please check with your Bank whether the above mentioned conditions are set correctly.