
Thai Police report

Aim of the report:

The report serves as a helping tool for providing necessary guest information to the Immigration services.



The report collects the same data as required on the TM30 ( foreign national residence notification form ). Data in the report is based on your reservations in SabeeApp, that were checked in, in the selected date range.
In case you have an arriving guest for the selected day, but the reservation status is not “ checked in “ , the reservation will not show up in the report.


Reservation statuses taken in consideration in the report: Confirmed
Room type statuses taken in consideration in the report: Room, Conference room, Garage, Technical

By default, the date picker will always display the current day’s date, but you have the possibility to adjust it according to your preference. You can choose from the predefined options or select a custom date range as well.


Important information about the table in the report:

No.: displays the item number in the table

First name, Last name: this information is taken from the guest card’s corresponding fields

Middle name: there is no corresponding field currently on the guest card, so this information can be collected by adding the middle name ( if there is any ) to the last name field and when exporting the file, adjusted in the export file

Sex: the column will display any of these three options: M = male , F = female, MIXED = other. This information is retrieved from the guest card’s Gender field.

Nationality: this column will also display a code only, not an actual text. The information is retrieved from the guest card’s Citizenship field. Please note that this cell might end up empty in the report, as certain citizenships do not have a corresponding nationality code.

Passport no.: the information of this cell is retrieved from the guest card’s Type of document field. In this field there are multiple options to select from, not only the Passport, but ideally it is advised to select the Passport option here and in the next field insert the passport number. If any other option is selected - for example : driving license - and the driving license’s number is added, that will also be displayed as passport number in the report.

Date of issue: the information comes from the guest card’s Date of issue field, that regards to the previous data, meaning this indicates the date of issue of the previously selected document type.

Important to know that regardless what date format is set to be used in the SabeeApp account ( Settings / General settings / Other settings ) , the report will always use the following date format: mm/dd/yyyy in this column.

Type of Visa: this column also displays a code, that is associated with the selected option on the guest card’s Type of Visa field

Expire date of stay: refers to the end date of the stay

Important to know that regardless what date format is set to be used in the SabeeApp account ( Settings / General settings / Other settings ) , the report will always use the following date format: mm/dd/yyyy in this column.

Point of entry: also displays a code that is associated with the selected option on the guest card’s Point of entry field

TM No.: the information displayed here is retrieved from the guest card’s corresponding field

Relation: this cell provides information about the type of the person that’s data is collected, always indicated as “ guest “ 

Date of birth: refers to the data collected on the guest card’s Birth date information.

Important to know that regardless what date format is set to be used in the SabeeApp account ( Settings / General settings / Other settings ) , the report will always use the following date format: mm/dd/yyyy in this column.

Please find a helping screenshot attached that indicates which fields on the guest card are mentioned above and needed to be populated in order to have proper data in the report:


The report can be printed and exported to an excel file.