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Adaptive Recognition
Enhance the check-in experience for your guests and save time for your front desk staff with Adaptive Recognition's ID scanners. The scanning process only takes a few seconds, it supports multiple languages, reads alternative alphabetical characters and can filter out forged or expired passports and identification cards. The hardware is portable, easy to set up and is backed by a full 3-year warranty by the manufacturer. As a team Adaptive Recognition has over 20 years of experience with personal document verification technology.
Supported products & features
Send travel document related data from the Adaptive Recognition ID scanner directly to the guest profile in the SabeeApp PMS.
Connection steps
1. Log into your SabeeApp account
2. Navigate over to the Marketplace menu
3. Initiate connection with Adaptive Recognition
4. Add the ID scanner model and product serial number
5. Ensure that the AutoFill browser extension is installed