Country availability
National Tourism Data Supply Centre
The largest and most comprehensive development of the tourism industry sector so far was launched in 2019. The digital platform operating under the supervision of the Hungarian Tourism Agency gives a real-time overview of the anonymous turnover statistics of all Hungarian accommodation establishments. Analyses are drawn up from the data received directly from property management systems in order to support data-driven decision-making in the tourism industry. NTDSC also plays a prominent role in whitening the tourism industry sector as, indeed, both the regionally competent local governments and the National Tax and Customs Administration have access to the datasets relevant to their operations.
Supported features
Automatically submit statistical data from SabeeApp PMS to NTDSC in the following scenarios:
- Data submission with the daily closure
- Event-driven data transmission
- Data on revenue from other than accommodation services
Useful links
NTDSC connection guide - Help article